Monday, November 21, 2011

November Lavender

I've just spent that last few days working on drapes for my living room & valances for my breakfast room & kitchen area.  Whew!  Thought I would never finish.  Which means this has taken me away from drawing & quilting.  This week will be busy because of the holidays.  I'm not overwhelmed because I have the calming effect from looking at my backyard.  It's cloudy this morning but my flower beds are still blooming.  The lavender & zinnias have a very soothing affect on me.

Next year, I'm planning to expand my flower beds & plant a nice border of lavender.  I like to pretend that I'm somewhere in the countryside of Provence'.  There are no rolling hills of lavender but this is okay.  I'm enjoying the purple-ish blue color no less.  For now I've got to get going with my day.  I'm making Red Velvet Trifle for one of my mini-group meetings.  Have a great day everyone!