Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Model Search????

Below is a sneak peek at my latest art quilt, resulting from several days of searching for a model.

Close up of petals.

Now a peek at the back side of the quilt.

To see a full view of the front side of this quilt go to the Floral Gallery.

Whew!  That was an intense few weeks of designing & completing this art quilt nonstop.  Now for a much needed break.   

Until next time.......

Friday, July 20, 2012

Model Search????

After careful screening of all the flowers, I think I've found the next model for an art quilt!

All I can reveal at this time is that the following colors, ranging from lights to mediums to darks will be used.

Here's hoping you are able to carve out happy hour for creativity this weekend.

Stay tuned for the big reveal in the floral gallery soon!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Model Search????

Searching for a new model to pose for my next art quilt.....
Hello Miss Coneflower.
So sorry but we're looking for a little more color.  You should really try to get some sun. It will do you good.  

Next please......

Good afternoon Miss Lavender.  
You're very pretty but, we're looking for someone who has more petals.   Have a good day!

Next please......

Hi Miss Zinnia.  
You have lovely petals & good color but, we need for you to make good eye contact.  Thank you for stopping by.

Next please......

Where's my assistant? 
 Lovely Vincas, today is not the day we interview grouped flowers.  You need to come back tomorrow. 

Next please......

Assistant:  "Those are all the floral interviews we had scheduled for today."

Artist:  "Really?  Good.  Let's just call it a day."

Assistant:  "Are you okay?"

Artist:  "Yes, thank you for asking.  I've been quilting a  flower quilt design today & I'm feeling a bit loopy."  

Assistant:  "You should get some rest.  You'll be able to have something to post to this blog soon enough."

Artist:  "Have a good evening Miss Assistant & I'll see you tomorrow."

Somedays I spend a little too much time on my own(written with a sense of humor).

Until next time!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


How do you know what subject to make into a quilt?  Someone asked me this question the other day.   For me, it has to be a subject that is beautiful.   I really love to grow flowers & make them into art quilts.

It helps to start with a photo.  Below is my sketchbook that holds a photo I took back in March-2010.  I also glued some blue fabric swatches that I thought would work well for a bluebonnet.  This year, I finally got around to making the quilt. 

Deciding what to edit out of the design might be the most time consuming part of the process.   I'm a detail oriented personality & I do love the details of certain things.   

Selecting the background is probably the second most time consuming part of the process.    Some fabrics are obvious that they will work well & sometimes it's trial & error.

Select fabrics for leaves that won't disappear into the background.  You want greens that will stand out from the background & yet will look like they belong with the entire scene.   They should get along, like people.

As a placement guide, I use tracing paper which is thin enough to still see the fabric.   I have not shown tracing paper in any of these photos.

My bluebonnet design has a lot of small pieces.  You can use simple shapes for the flower but the results are not the same.  You need all the fabric pieces that will give you the depth & highlights in the flower.

Finally!  It's not yet quilted but, it will be soon.....someday.

The size of this bluebonnet  is 24" wide x 32" length.  

To be continued........