Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!!!!...

My New Year's Resolution....

To get back to creating......

No matter what's happening in my life.......I love the holidays......

With the holidays.....there's always something else to tend family, getting ready, or packing and making room.....

So decided to bake some peppermint cookies.....

baking the cookie dough seemed to be  easy......

Until I got to melting the white chocolate......what a mess & disgusting smell....

The white chocolate wouldn't melt like it was supposed to....even after I followed instructions.....

None the less.....I skipped the white chocolate and simply sprinkled crushed peppermint on my freshly baked cookie dough......

Making cookies is not my thing.......I should stick to what I do best.....organizing and then creating......

Not much quilting to speak of.....but it's a start.......tomorrow is a partial work day.....simply because the rest of the office is off until January 5th......that part of the staff are non-accounting staff......I will be goal for tomorrow is to post something......I'm headed into that time of the year when year end deadlines are inevitable......along with other things......this year I'm determined.....even if I only post one or two photos of what I want to work's a start.......I now only have 364 days left in this year to create, make & complete something......;)

Until the next time......thanks for reading.....;)